Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies


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CIUS conference audio (Part 16 of 16) Outline of presentation:What structure? (JPH)Partnerships necessary with Saskatoon and Winnipeg (the Ukrainian centers). Apply for grants in different provinces. We should strike an initiative group. (Jars…

CIUS conference audio (Part 15 of 16)Outline of presentation:Churches are not just buildings – they are also people.He is very enthusiastic about churches. He’s prepared an internet database. Admires Ed Ledohowski’s site.The evolution of his…

CIUS conference audio (Part 14 of 16)Outline of presentation:hard copy (printouts from web)Interaction of content and digital development – something that needs to be worked out. Various scholarly disciplines (religious studies, history, art history,…

CIUS conference audio (Part 12 of 16)Outline of presentation:Change of chair because JPH wanted to continue writing up the discussion.Need to do a survey of what’s already out there. (Ostap Skrypnyk)Churches were torn down, closed, burned down.…

CIUS conference audio (Part 11 of 16)Outline of presentation:Virtual Reality Movies used in Ukrainian ethnographic research, spatial stuff. Used a parabolic mirror attached to a digital camera. Computer software can generate that into a panorama,…

CIUS conference audio (Part 10 of 16)Outline of presentation:Google Maps: Byzantine Rite Churches in Alberta. We can use a GPS unit to get exact coordinates. Google Maps gives directions. Roughly 92 GC churches, 74 Ukrainian Orthodox, 24 OCA, 22…

CIUS conference audio (Part 9 of 16)Outline of presentation:Directed by Frances SwyripaEd Ledohowski also knows an art photographer from Massachusetts who has been taking the churches. Looking for a repository for his work.Faith vs. heritage.…

CIUS conference audio (Part 6 of 16)Outline of presentation:Interesting additional information on graveyards, crosses (much discussion of three-barred crosses). (Bohdan Hrynyshyn, Jars Balan, Andrij Hornjatkevyc, others) It is important to note that…

CIUS conference audio (Part 5 of 16)Outline of presentation:Churchyards and graveyards. Renewal – examples of renewed cemeteries. They often have interesting historical information reproduced (terminology, cross shape).Physical decay. Wooden crosses…

CIUS conference audio (Part 3 of 16)Outline of presentation:Not really an architectural historian. But he has worked a bit on Ukrainian vernacular architecture on the prairies.We should look at location, parish boundaries, site situation, spacing.…

CIUS conference audio (Part 4 of 16)Outline of presentation:This is a political action by the Canadian Ukrainian community. Multicultural policy has faded. But an important part of our heritage were Ukrainian bloc settlements, Ukrainian areas of…

CIUS conference audio (Part 2 of 16)Outline of presentation:Overview of the preliminary survey. Organizing principles. There’s better coverage of Alberta. Please make additions and corrections to the list (following the format of the list). We want…

CIUS conference audio (Part 1 of 16)John-Paul Himka opens the conference by outlining the goal of making sure that Ukrainian sacred culture on the prairies is well documented for future scholars and for future generations.Transcription found in this…

Andrij Makuch interviews Peter Savaryn about Ukrainian Politicians in Alberta

CIUS Seminar Audio.Olenka Bilash is interviewed about Ukrainian Bilingual education in Edmonton.

CIUS Seminar Audio Part 1 and 2. "Ukrainian-Canadian Communists and the Kryza in Alberta" was the topic of the seventh Institute seminar of the current academic year at the University of Alberta. Mr. Andrij Makuch, a recent B.A. (honours) graduate in…

CIUS Seminar Audio Part 1 and 2.The seminar, "Ukrainian Language Instruction in Great Britain and Alberta: Similarities and Contrasts," was presented on November 28 by Ihor Kruk, M.A. candidate in Slavic literature at the University of Alberta.The…

CIUS Seminar Audio Part 1 and 2. The fifth Institute seminar of the 1977-78 academic year was held on December 1. Dr. Manoly Lupul spoke on " Ukrainian Canadians and Regional Federalism."In his presentation the speaker analyzed the…

A comprehensive, interdisciplinary examination of the life of the first Ukrainian immigrants. The volume consists of eight parts. It begins with a prologue by Roman Onufrijchuk that sets the stage for understanding the difficult process of cultural…

Historical Driving Tour.pdf
This guide to twenty-six churches in the historic Ukrainian settlement area of east-central Alberta. Includes street addresses of parishes, several maps, and a glossary. Published in association with the Inventory of Potential Historic Sites, Alberta…

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