Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies


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Mykola Soroka interviews Olenka Bilash about Ukrainian education in Canada.

At the banquet on Saturday evening, Dr. Keith Spicer, journalist, broadcaster, and former Commissioner of Official Languages, was guest speaker. He examined the federal policy of bilingualism, defined its shortcomings, and predicted difficult…

CIUS conference audio from the final panel of the conference on the topic "Multiculturalism and Separatism: The Search for a Ukrainian Consensus." The panelists included Professors Bociurkiw, Myhul, Serbyn, Tarnopolsky and Mr. Petryshyn. A consensus…

CIUS conference audio from Professor Manoly R. Lupul's presentation "Canada's Options in a Time of Political Crisis and Their Implications for Multiculturalism," rejecting both separatism and "Trudeau federalism" as options and putting forth a new…

CIUS conference audio from the question period following Professor Walter S. Tarnopolsky's presentation on "A Multicultural Canada: The Basic Issues." In his wide-ranging remarks, he stressed that a multicultural Canada must provide greater access to…

CIUS conference audio of Professor Walter S. Tarnopolsky's presentation "A Multicultural Canada: The Basic Issues." In his wide-ranging remarks, he stressed that a multicultural Canada must provide greater access to the most rewarding jobs for all…

CIUS conference audio of Bohdan Bociurkiw presenting his paper "Multiculturalism and the Response of the Ukrainian-Canadian Community," in which he praised the roles played by Senator Yuzyk and several members of the Ukrainian Canadian University…

CIUS conference audio recording of Mr. Roman Petryshyn, research associate of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, presenting a paper entitled "The Ukrainian Canadians in Transition," in which he compared the social structure and mobility…

Questions for Roman Serbyn and Ivan Myhul following their presentations on the topic: "Separatism and Ethnic Groups in Quebec," criticizing the absence of a clear government policy towards the non-Anglo-Celtic minorities in Quebec and outlining their…

Roman Serbyn follows Ivan Myhul presenting on the same topic of: "Separatism and Ethnic Groups in Quebec," criticizing the absence of a clear government policy towards the non-Anglo-Celtic minorities in Quebec and outlining their unique and…

Professor Ivan Myhul, Department of Political Science, Bishop's University, speaks on the topic: "Separatism and Ethnic Groups in Quebec," criticizing the absence of a clear government policy towards the non-Anglo-Celtic minorities in Quebec and…

The conference on "Ukrainian Canadians , Multiculturalism, and Separatism: An Assessment" was held at the University of Alberta on September 9-11. Organized and sponsored by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, it featured papers by the…

CIUS Seminar Audio Part 1 and 2.The seventh Institute seminar at the University of Alberta was presented on 15 January 1980 by Karol Adamowicz, a graduate student in the Department of Educational Foundations. He spoke on "Ukrainian Education in…

CIUS Seminar Audio.Olenka Bilash is interviewed about Ukrainian Bilingual education in Edmonton.

CIUS Seminar Audio Part 1 and 2.The seminar, "Ukrainian Language Instruction in Great Britain and Alberta: Similarities and Contrasts," was presented on November 28 by Ihor Kruk, M.A. candidate in Slavic literature at the University of Alberta.The…

CIUS Seminar Audio Part 1 and 2.On November 14, Roman Petryshyn, research associate at the Institute, spoke on "Housing Segregation and Mobility of Ukrainians in Manchester." The study reported on survey research, consisting of a mail questionnaire…

CIUS Seminar Audio Part 1 and 2. The fifth Institute seminar of the 1977-78 academic year was held on December 1. Dr. Manoly Lupul spoke on " Ukrainian Canadians and Regional Federalism."In his presentation the speaker analyzed the…

At the third Institute seminar of the 1977-78 academic year, held on November 3, Andrij Makuch, fourth-year honors student in history, spoke on "The Ukrainians and the Manitoba School Question: 1916." / In an attempt to mollify the French, the…
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