Part 14: Digital Databases: Examples and Sources of Funding
CIUS conference audio (Part 14 of 16)
Outline of presentation:
hard copy (printouts from web)
Interaction of content and digital development – something that needs to be worked out. Various scholarly disciplines (religious studies, history, art history, musicology, folklore, geography, sociology, ethnic studies, anthropology, architecture), tourism, politics. Librarians and curators will be helpful in developing classifications, subject areas, categories. They have experience in this. Definition of categories will be iterative. Inclusion of disciplines has to be thought out. Think about who your users will be and purposes (research, teaching). You will need a searchable database, not just browsable. If a preservation project, how would a museum deal with it? Take into account the experience of the UCHV. See their lists, procedures. As the content becomes clearer, it will require thinking about the digital end. Clarify what users will want, and how can they access the information they want most effectively? Use of “shopping carts.” You have to figure what is in and what is out (film, photos, etc.). Management – not a project so big that it can’t be done. It has to be sculpted, having firm criteria of what is included, what is not. Clarify site objectives, scope. Possible to start with a process website – who’s involved, results of this conference. Perhaps a need for a wiki site.
Financing: federal govt (Canada Heritage Applied Research), Telus New Media Learning Fund, Telus foundation. Because it’s an interprovincial plan it should be eligible for various funding. Multicultural program, no set deadlines. Community Memories program. Gateway Fund. Summer student fund. Heritage Community foundation (managed by Nena Jocic).
Websites that have churches – the Manitoba project is good. Leopolis.
Outline found in this PDF
Outline of presentation:
hard copy (printouts from web)
Interaction of content and digital development – something that needs to be worked out. Various scholarly disciplines (religious studies, history, art history, musicology, folklore, geography, sociology, ethnic studies, anthropology, architecture), tourism, politics. Librarians and curators will be helpful in developing classifications, subject areas, categories. They have experience in this. Definition of categories will be iterative. Inclusion of disciplines has to be thought out. Think about who your users will be and purposes (research, teaching). You will need a searchable database, not just browsable. If a preservation project, how would a museum deal with it? Take into account the experience of the UCHV. See their lists, procedures. As the content becomes clearer, it will require thinking about the digital end. Clarify what users will want, and how can they access the information they want most effectively? Use of “shopping carts.” You have to figure what is in and what is out (film, photos, etc.). Management – not a project so big that it can’t be done. It has to be sculpted, having firm criteria of what is included, what is not. Clarify site objectives, scope. Possible to start with a process website – who’s involved, results of this conference. Perhaps a need for a wiki site.
Financing: federal govt (Canada Heritage Applied Research), Telus New Media Learning Fund, Telus foundation. Because it’s an interprovincial plan it should be eligible for various funding. Multicultural program, no set deadlines. Community Memories program. Gateway Fund. Summer student fund. Heritage Community foundation (managed by Nena Jocic).
Websites that have churches – the Manitoba project is good. Leopolis.
Outline found in this PDF
January 26, 2008
Marusia Petryshyn, Shawn Blais Skinner
Original Format:
Digital audio recording
CIUS, “Part 14: Digital Databases: Examples and Sources of Funding,” CIUS-Archives, accessed March 11, 2025,