Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies


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The book The Emergence of Ukraine: Self-Determination, Occupation, and War in Ukraine, 1917–1922, is a collection of articles by several prominent historians from Austria, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, and Russia who undertook a detailed study of the…

CIUS book launch audio.On October 6, 2011, Serhii Plokhii and Frank Sysyn discussed volume 9, book 2, part 2 of Mykhailo Hrushevsky's History of Ukraine-Rus' the latest addition to this translation series issued by the Peter Jacyk Centre for…

CIUS seminar audio.On April 7, 2011, Kyrylo Halushko (Institute of Sociology, Psychology and Management, M. V. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv), gave a seminar on the topic: “Official Attitudes to the Politics of History in Ukraine…

CIUS seminar audio.On March 19, 2010, Oksana Kis (Columbia University and Institute Natalya Tsymbal of Ethnology. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), gave a seminar presentation on the topic: “National Mainstreaming: Major Trends in Women’s…

CIUS interview audio (4 parts).Interview with Frank Sysyn about his life as well as his academic and cultural development.

CIUS seminar audio. On November 3, 2008, Vladyslav Hrynevych (Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), spoke on the topic: “World War II in the Official Politics of Memory and in the Political Struggles in…

CIUS seminar audio. On September 25, 2008, Yaroslav Hrytsak (Institute for Historical Research, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Chair of Modern World History, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv), presented on the topic: “Rethinking…

CIUS seminar audio.On March 27, 2008, Oleksiy Tolochko of Kyiv Mohyla Academy National University and Institute of Ukrainian History at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, spoke on the topic: “Fellows and Travelers: Thinking about…

Audio recorded from CIUS conference. On 6-8 September 1991, CIUS marked the Ukrainian Canadian centenary with a conference on selected aspects of Ukrainian life in Canada in the years between 1924 and 1951. Coinciding with the release of Orest…

Audio recorded from CIUS conference. On 6-8 September 1991, CIUS marked the Ukrainian Canadian centenary with a conference on selected aspects of Ukrainian life in Canada in the years between 1924 and 1951. Coinciding with the release of Orest…

Audio recorded from CIUS conference. On 6-8 September 1991, CIUS marked the Ukrainian Canadian centenary with a conference on selected aspects of Ukrainian life in Canada in the years between 1924 and 1951. Coinciding with the release of Orest…

(Володимир Дятлов. Нижчі верстви населення німецького міста і Реформація. – Чернігів: Сіверянська думка, 1997. — 351 с.)


Рецензія на книгу [Teaching with Memories: European Women’s Histories in International and Interdisciplinary Classrooms / Ed. by Andrea Peto and Berteke Waaldijk. — Galway: Women’s Studies Center, National University of Ireland, 2006. — 207 p.:…

[Molchanov M. A. Politiсal culture and National Identity in Russiаn—Ukrainian Relations. —
College Station, 2002. — IX + 350 pp.]

[Bojanowska Edyta M. Nikolai Gogol. Between Ukrainian and Russian Nationalism. — Cambridge, MA, London, England, 2007. — 448 p.]

[Балух В. О. Візантиністика: Курс лекцій. — Чернівці, 2006. — 606 с., іл., карти]

[Переяславська Рада 1654 року/Заг. ред. П. Сохань. — К., 2003; Петро Шелест. Справжній суд історії ще попереду/Ред. Ю. Шаповал. — К., 2003; Володимир Щербицький. Спогади сучасників/Ред. В. Ф. Возианов та ін. — К., 2003; Gil А. Dekret prezydenta…

Додатки: Пленарне засідання Собору слов’янських народів, Звернення-протест громадських і партійних організацій Запорізької області від 4 травня 2004 р.

Додатки: Роман Шпорлюк — Іван Лисяк-Рудницький: листування 1964–1982 рр, Роман Шпорлюк — Юрій Шевельов: листування 1962–1979 рр.

Додатки: Рапорт чернігівського, полтавського і харківського генерал-губернатора В. В. Левашова від 20 квітня 1836 р., Рапорт чернігівського, полтавського і харківського генерал-губернатора В. В. Левашова недатований, Рапорт чернігівського,…

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