Додатки: Пленарне засідання Собору слов’янських народів, Звернення-протест громадських і партійних організацій Запорізької області від 4 травня 2004 р.
On December 4 1976 in Edmonton, CIUS and the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Europe (Sarcelles, France) signed an agreement to jointly publish what becomes the five-volume Encyclopedia of Ukraine. Sitting (l-r): Dr. George Luckyj, Dr. Volodymyr…
Members of the UCBPF Executive that initiated the creating of CIUS. Sitting (l-r): Dr. Orest Talpash, Dr. Manoly R. Lupul, Peter Oluk. Standing (l-r): Bill Wasyl Diachuk, Orest Eveneshen, Peter Savaryn, Laurence Decore, and Edward Kay (ca. 1973-75)
Ukraine's attainment of political independence since 1991 has focused world attention on relations between Ukraine and Russia, the two most powerful successor states to the USSR. This collection of essays by eminent specialists provides a reliable…