Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies


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Danylo Shumuk, a Ukrainian from the Volhynia region, was at one point Amnesty International’s most “senior” prisoner of conscience, having been incarcerated in various prisons and labor camps for almost thirty-seven years. Life Sentence is his…

Nine essays reexamine major aspects of Ukrainian history including Kyivan Rus', the Ukrainian nobility and elites, Cossack Ukraine and the Turco-Islamic World, the growth and development of Ukrainian cities, the evolution of the Ukrainian literary…

Each year, the Program on Religion and Culture.hosts the Bohdan Bociurkiw Memorial Lecture. This year’s lecture, held on 6 December 2012, was given by Marco Carynnyk, who spoke on the topic, “Ministers of Righteousness? Greek Catholic Clergymen and…

Audio recorded from CIUS conference. On 6-8 September 1991, CIUS marked the Ukrainian Canadian centenary with a conference on selected aspects of Ukrainian life in Canada in the years between 1924 and 1951. Coinciding with the release of Orest…
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