Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies


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CIUS seminar audio.On April 22, 2009, Mykola Riabchuk (journalist and independent scholar, Kyiv), presented on the topic: “Ukraine, Russia, and the Future of Europe.” Found in CIUS Newsletter 2009

CIUS seminar audio.On December 2, 2010, Lyubov Zhyznomirska (Department of Political Science, University of Alberta), gave a seminar on the topic: “Mobility and Security in the EU’s Neighbourhood: The Case of Ukraine.”Found in CIUS Newsletter 2011

CIUS Shevchenko Annual Lecture audio.Co-organized by CIUS and the Ukrainian Professional and Business Club of Edmonton, the forty- sixth Shevchenko lecture at the University of Alberta was given by James Sherr, a senior fellow of the Russia and…

CIUS seminar audio. On January 31, 2013, Ignacy Jozwiak (Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, U of A), gave a seminar on the topic: “The Centre and Its Neighbours: Transcarpathia in the Context of European Integration and…

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