Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies


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Рецензія на часопис [Україна модерна. — 2007. — № 11]

A collection of essays looking at historical continuity and change of Ukraine's borders, from the time of Hetmanate to renegotiations within the Soviet Union and after its collapse. Volume publishe in Ukraine.

Ukraine's attainment of political independence since 1991 has focused world attention on relations between Ukraine and Russia, the two most powerful successor states to the USSR. This collection of essays by eminent specialists provides a reliable…

Krawchenko. Ukraine after Shelest.pdf
The successes and failures of Shcherbytsky's mission represent the major theme of this collection of essays. which deals with the national question, dissent and opposition, literary politics, the economy, and ethno-demographic trend.

The book The Emergence of Ukraine: Self-Determination, Occupation, and War in Ukraine, 1917–1922, is a collection of articles by several prominent historians from Austria, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, and Russia who undertook a detailed study of the…

The first social history of modern Ukraine in English. This book examines the effects of social and political change in twentieth-century Ukraine on the national consciousness of workers, peasants, the intelligentsia, and the political elite.…

Colloquim Ottoman Sources on the Ukraine and Northern Black Sea Countries Oct 1989.pdf

This first case study of how the East European peasantry was drawn into national politics focuses on the Ukrainians of Galicia (1772–1914). On the basis of first-hand testimony by peasants and rural notables, it demonstrates that the peasants'…

Chernobyl and Nuclear Power in the USSR provided the first detailed account of the Soviet nuclear power industry and of the nature, impact and consequences of the Chernobyl (Chornobyl) disaster of 28 April 1986. Marples places the Chornobyl accident…

Україна: від імперської окраїни до незалежної держави

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