Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies


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CIUS book launch audio.On April 3, 2012, Serge Cipko spoke at the book launch for "Ukrainians in Argentina, 1897–1950: The Making of a Community" (co-sponsored by the Department of History and Classics)Found in CIUS Newsletter 2012

CIUS conference audio part 3/5.On November 24, 2011, Danielle Granville (Brasenose College, Oxford University), presented on the topic: “Ukrainian Diaspora Activism and the Politics of Holodomor Recognition”Found in CIUS Newsletter 2012

CIUS Seminar Audio Part 1 and 2.The second Institute seminar, “Ukrainians in Australia: An Eyewitness Account," was presented by Dr. Celestin Suchowersky, formerly of the University library, on 2 October. In February 1979 Dr. Suchowersky visited the…

A list of bibliographies, newspaper articles, biographies, periodicals and journals published by Ukrainians in Russia. Included is a Statistical Compendium of Ukrainians in Russia.
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