Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies


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This book is dedicated to political and social work of one of the most prolific members of the Zionism movement, born in Ukraine, Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940), and his close connections with Ukrainian liberation movement.

On May 18, 2007 Prof. Myroslav Shkandrij (University of Manitoba) gave the 8th Danylo Husar Struk Memorial Lecture on the topic: "Kyiv Under the German Occupation, 1941-1943: Dokia Humenna's Memoirs"

Each year, the Program on Religion and Culture.hosts the Bohdan Bociurkiw Memorial Lecture. This year’s lecture, held on 6 December 2012, was given by Marco Carynnyk, who spoke on the topic, “Ministers of Righteousness? Greek Catholic Clergymen and…

Audio recording of 42nd Annual Shevchenko Lecture.On March 7, 2007, Myroslav Shkandrij of the Department of German and Slavic Studies at the University of Manitoba speaks on: “Representations of the Jew in Ukrainian Literature.”Found in CIUS…

The 41st annual Shevchenko Lecture, co-sponsored by CIUS and the Ukrainian Professional and Business Club of Edmonton, was delivered on 30 March 2007 by Dr. Peter J. Potichnyj, a leading authority on Ukrainian wartime insurgency, who spoke on “The…

CIUS Seminar Audio Part 1 and 2.The tenth Institute seminar of the 1978-79 academic year at the University of Alberta took place on March 6, 1979. Dr. John-Paul Himka, research associate at the Institute and visiting assistant professor in the…
The religious dimension of Russia’s war on Ukraine is significant but, as opposed to political, economic, and military factors, largely neglected. It includes the divisive effects of the war and of policies introduced by occupation authorities on…

The book Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Historical Perspective is a rich and stimulating collection of twenty-three papers from the 1983 conference on Ukrainian-Jewish relations held at McMaster University, Canada. The essays in this unique volume…
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