Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies


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Douglas Barbour, Photo by Roman Petriw.jpg
Photos by Roman Petriw Photos featuring Douglas Barbour, George Ryga

Valeriian Pidmohylny.pdf

History of CIUS CIUS: Present and future Director, 1976-1986 Director, 1986-1991 Ukrainian Canadian Program Ukrainian studies abroad Legislative reform project CIUS Press Journal of Ukrainian Studies Encyclopedia Peter Jacyk…

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ciusnewsletter.Summer, 1988.pdf
 Volume Two of Encyclopedia of Ukraine Launched Grants Awarded Exchange Esteblished with Institute of Literature, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences New Publications New Research Reports

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ciusnewsletter.Fall-Winter 1989.pdf
Jacyk Centre Stasiuk Fund Endowments CIUS Press CIUS News Staff Activities ULEC

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ciusnewsletter.Spring-Summer 1990.pdf
Stasiuk Programme for the Study of Contemporary Ukraine Dorosh Endowment Fund Stelmach Endowment Fund Iwanciw Endowment Fund Taborowskyj Endowment Fund Zujewskyj Endowment Kulahyn Endowment Fund Exchanges with Ukraine New…

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ciusnewsletter.Fall 1991.pdf
Endowments Ukraine Exchange Fellowships Fund New Publications New Research Reports Ukrainian Centenary Conference Ecomuseum Proposed for the Ukrainian Settlement Block Northeast of Edmonton A New Survey of Ukrainians in Alberta

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ciusnewsletter.Fall 1992.pdf
Endowments CIUS Press  News  Jacyk Centre  Stasiuk Centre  ULEC  CIUS Staff

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ciusnewsletter.Fall 1993.pdf
Director’s Report  Endowments  CIUS Press  Encyclopedia of Ukraine  News and Events  Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research  Stasiuk Programme for Contemporary Ukraine  Ukrainian Canadian Programme  Ukrainian Language…

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ciusnewsletter.Fall 1995.pdf
Endowments New Publications Dr. Zenon Kohut Appointed as Director of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Project “EU-Y” Encyclopedia of Ukraine for Ukraine

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Director’s Message Peter Jacyk Centre  The Canada Ukraine Business Initiative ...  Legislative Cooperation Project  CIUS Press  Journal of Ukrainian Studies  Encyclopedia of Ukraine  Ukrainian Language Education Centre…

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Director’s Message Ukrainian-Canadian Program CIUS Press Peter Jacyk Centre Canada Ukraine Legislative Cooperation Project Ukrainian Language Education Centre Ukrainian Church Studies Program Stasiuk Program Encyclopedia of…

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From the director Dr. Zenon Kohut reappointed In memoriam: Danylo Husar Struk Laurence Decore Special Report Kowalsky Program CIUS Press Peter Jacyk Centre Canada Ukraine Legislative Cooperation Project Ukrainian Language Education…

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  From the Director Administration In memoriam Special Report Kowalsky Program CIUS Press Peter lacyk Centre Ukrainian Church Studies Program Ukrainian Language Education Centre Canada Ukraine Legislative Cooperation…

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ciusannualreview.2001.25 years.pdf
From the Director Investing in the Future of Ukrainian Studies Bringing Scholars Together and Sharing Research The Neporany Postdoctoral Fellowship Supporting Ukrainian Scholarship around the World Making a Difference through Service to…

From the director Activities and talks Publications In memoriam George S. N. Luckyj (1919–2001) Petro Jacyk (1919–2001) Awards Endowments Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine project Ukrainian Knowledge Internet Portal project

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Former CIUS Director Named to the Order of Canada Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine New Publications Donors

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ciusnewsletter.fall 2004.pdf
Pereiaslav Anniversary Ukraine's New Ambassador Visits CIUS British Government Documents on Ukraine Catalogued The Kowalsky Eastern Institute of Ukrainian Studies Memoirs on Ukrainian Revolution and 1920s Cultural Renaissance

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Ties with Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Jacyk Centre Issues a New Volume of Hrushevsky's History of Ukraine-Rus' New Publications 20th International Congress of Historical Sciences International Association of Ukrainian Studies…

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CIUS and the 70th Anniversary of the 1932-33 Famine CULIP Project Seminar Ukrainian Language and Culture Educational Web Site Launched New Publications Awards

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CIUS and the Orange Revolution Stasiuk Program New Publications Awards Donors

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Establishment of CIUS Institute's Goals Instituite's Structure National Conference of Ethnic Studies Directors Council in Winnipeg

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Contract Signed to Prepare Encyclopaedia Background: The English-Language Alphabetical Encyclopaedia of Ukraine Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies Workshop on Ukrainian-Canadian Studies Examines Priorities Huculak Library Donated to…

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1977 Shevchenko Lecture Tour of Western Canada by Foundation and Institute Executives Toronto Office of Institute Receives Wintario Grant Survey for Ukrainian Courses Proves Successful Conference on Ukrainian Studies to Meet Election of…

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  Council of Associates Meets in Toronto Federation Features Institute at Bienneal Conference Conference on Ukrainian Studies International Meeting of Ukrainian Librarians Institute and University of Alberta Library Purchase V. Holubnychy…

Bohdan Krawchenko Appointed New CIUS Director New Publications Volodymyr Kubijovyc Dies in Paris Encyclopedia of Ukraine Project Kostash Family Donation CIUS Conference Commemorates Millennium Grants Awarded Myron Kuropas…

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CIUS Advisory Council Appointed Bequests Received Ukrainian Studies at CAS Conference 1986 Multiculturalism at Community College Ukrainian History at the University of Alberta Ukrainian Community Development Committee Releases…

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New CIUS Publications  Edmonton Professional and Business Club Establishes Centre  Volodymyr and Daria Kubijovyc Endowment Fund  Shevchenko Lecture  Krawchenko Awarded Antonovych Prize Fellowship Honours Rudnytsky ‘Friends of the…

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  Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Vol. II Published New Publications Archival Fund Donor Acknowledged Wasyl Veryha to Write Ukrainian-Language Articles Huculak Chair in Ukrainian Culture and Ethnography Founded Bukachevska-Pastushenko Endowment…

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  Conference Held on "Ukrainian Canadians, Multiculturalism, and Separatism: An Assessment Poland and Ukraine: Past and Present  Ukrainian Language Course Renewed at the University of Western Ontario  CIUS Foundation Executive meets in…

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Development of Ukrainian-Canadian Newspaper and Theses Collections Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies  Kurelek Exhibit Harvard Analyzes Social Characteristics of Ukrainians in USA at the Conference

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Shevchenko Lecture  Lecture Presented by G.Y. Shevelov  Second Banff Conference Held  Institute Directors Meet in Toronto  Ukrainian-Canadian Newspapers to be Microfilmed

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Second Annual Meeting of Institute's Council of Associates Directors of the Canadian and American Ukrainian Institutes meet Ukrainian Historical Conference Bilingual Program Camp Osvita Bilingual Program in Manitoba

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Second Ukrainian-Canadian Conference Successful Conference of Ukrainian Language Instructors  Microfilmed Newspapers Available Soviet Ukrainian Scholars Visit Institute  Western Cities Lecture Tour Underway  Foundation Directors…

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Ukrainian Chair Founded at University of Toronto  A Review: Ukrainian-Microfilming Project  Ukrainian Language Resource Centre  Progress on Encyclopedia Project  Institute Travel Lecture Series  Shevchenko Lecture  The William Kurelek…

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University of Alberta Committee Reviews Institute Identifications Conference The Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies The CIUS, The Foundation and The Toronto Chair of Ukrainian Studies  Ukrainian Language Resource Centre The CIUS…

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Canadian Literature Examined for Ethnic Content  New Associate Director Chosen  First Visiting Professor at Institute Ukrainian Language Resource Centre  Extramural Courses: An Evaluation  Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies  Research…

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New Institute Publications Toronto Chair of Ukrainian Studies Appointment  The CIUS Workshop on Teacher Education  Journal Appears under New Name  Immigration Documents  UVAN Shevchenko Session  Moroz Visits Institute  Iconography…

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  CIUS Status on Campus Changed  CIUS Council of Associates Meets  Conference on Ukrainian Studies (CUS)  New Institute Publications  Dr. Pawei Korzec  Lecture Tour by Roman Solchanyk  CIUS Acquires Editorial Assistant  CIUS…

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New Institute Publications  Chair of Ukrainian Studies Inaugurated  Slavic Studies in Manitoba  Ukrainian Studies Courses in Canada Visiting Scholar 1980 Symposium on Ukrainian Canadians Successful

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New Publication on Urban Ukraine Shevchenko Lecture Interprovincial Workshop on Ukrainian Summer School Slavic Studies in Manitoba HURI - CIUS Discussions  Ukrainian Programmes in the Department of Slavic Languages - University of…

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CIUS Publications  High School-Visitation Programme Successful  CFUS Logo Contest  English-Ukrainian Bilingual Programme in Edmonton Studied  Publication of Inaugural Lecture of Toronto Chair Professor Kubijovyc Receives First CFUS…

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  Meeting of CIUS Editorial Board  New CIUS Publications  Peter Savaryn Elected Chancellor  Staff Changes at Toronto Office  Chair Begins Second Year  Novak Lecture at Toronto New Research Project at HURI  Annual Conference in Winnipeg…

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New CIUS Publication CIUS Research Reports Shevchenko Lecture Lecture Series at Centre Documents on Ukrainian Internment Camps Successful Bilingual Programme in Manitoba Toronto Chair Sponsors Lectures Extramural Programme…

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New CIUS Staff Appointed New CIUS Publication Neporany Postdoctoral Fellowship Awarded Ukrainian Studies at the Learned Societies 1982 Editorial Meeting on "The Encyclopedia of Ukraine' Ukrainian Studies at York University Ukrainian…

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Osvita Conference Successful New CIUS Publications Grant to Centre Ukrainian Holdings in European Libraries CIUS Extramural Programme, Fall 1982

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New CIUS Publication  HURI-CIUS Discussions Shevchenko Lecture 1983 Jacyk Collection at Toronto  CIUS Extramural Programme 1982-3  Ukrainian Studies at York University  Ukrainian Sessions at OMLTA Conferences, 1982-3 Symposium on 1933…

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  New CIUS Publications CIUS Subsidizes Two Fall Conferences CIUS Extramural Programme 1983-4 CIUS Lecture Tour on the 1932-3 Famine 1983-4 Neporany Postdoctoral Fellowship Awarded Update on CIUS Oral History Project CIUS Develops…

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New CIUS Publications  CIUS Commemorates Famine Anniversary  McMaster Conference on Jewish-Ukrainian Relations in Historical Perspective  D.P. Conference in Toronto  Encyclopedia of Ukraine Update   First Schreyer Fellowship…

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Ivan Lysiak-Rudnytsky  Visiting Professor  New CIUS Publications  1984 Shevchenko Lecture  CIUS Extramural Programme 1983-4  York University Endowment Fund in Ukrainian Studies

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  Volume One of Encyclopedia of Ukraine Published New CIUS Publications Professor Ebuchi Studies Ukrainian Community in Edmonton Third Summer School for Teachers of Ukrainian Held Alberta Parents for Ukrainian Education Formed Ukrainian…

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Life Sentence: Shumuk Memoirs Published Update on Encyclopedia of Ukraine Project Volume One Feted in Edmonton Second Printing of Volume One Government of Manitoba to Subsidize Volume Three Editorial Board Enlarged Bryck…

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New CIUS Publications Osvita Conference Proceedings Ukraine's Impact on Imperial Russia  Ivan Maistrenko's Memoirs 1 Four Research Reports  Rare Ukrainian Dictionaries Acquired  Shevchenko Lecture 1985  Map Exhibition Commemorates…

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Course for Bilingual Teachers  Progress on Encyclopaedia Project  Inter-Provincial Meeting of Bilingual Personnel  An Evening with the Staff  Huculak Library Processed

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Bohdan Krawchenko 3.jpg
CIUS Director (1986–1991)

Dr. George Luckyj, CIUS Associate Director, Publishing

These memoirs cover more than half of a century - from the end of XIX c. to the beginning of the 1950s, which was a turbulent time marked by three revolutions and the two World Wars. Ukraine has gained and lost its brief independence, went through…

This book is dedicated to political and social work of one of the most prolific members of the Zionism movement, born in Ukraine, Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940), and his close connections with Ukrainian liberation movement.
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