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Interview with Exchange Students from Ukraine: Yuriy Kyrylych and Dmytro Hural

Subject: Interview
Description: CIUS interview audio.

Bohdan Klid interviews exchange students Yuriy Kyrylych and Dmytro Hural. The student exchange program between the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv University) and the University of Alberta (U of A) entered its fourth year in the fall of 2009. In the 2009-10 academic year, two exchange students from Lviv University, Yuriy Kyrylych and Dmytro Hural, studied at the U of A. No exchange students from the U of A studied at Lviv University this academic year.

Yuriy Kyrylych is a fifth-year student at Lviv University’s Faculty of International Relations, where he is completing a master’s degree in international finance. Yuriy attended the U of A in the fall 2009 semester, taking three courses in the Faculty of Business: Decision Analysis, Advanced Corporate Finance, and Investments. 

The second student, Dmytro Hural, completed his master’s degree in commercial law at the Lviv University Law Faculty in 2009, after which he began working in a Lviv law firm. In the fall 2009 semester Dmytro took courses in International Business Transactions, Public International Law, and Contracts. In the winter 2010 semester he took courses in International Criminal Law, Intellectual Property, and Corporate Securities. 

Dmytro and Yuriy explained that the comparative experience of taking courses at the U ofA gave them special insights, and that other exchange students from Ukraine could expect similar benefits. The two students agreed that the major prerequisites for students from Lviv University to succeed at the U ofA are good study habits, a sound knowledge of English, and the ability to master specific course terminology in a very short period of time.

On 29 November 2009 they gave a joint presentation at the Plast building on “The Legal and Economic Situation in Ukraine: Challenges and Perspectives,” sponsored by the Alberta Society for the Advancement of Ukrainian Studies. Yuriy Kyrylych focused on impediments to economic growth in Ukraine, while Dmytro Hural spoke largely about reforms needed to transform the legal system into one that is more predictable and equitable. 

After four years of the exchange program’s existence, seven students from Lviv and four from Edmonton have studied at the partner institutions. Students from Ukraine have generally commented positively on the professor-student relationship at the U of A and on the opportunity to take courses not available at home or featuring somewhat different content from those offered at Lviv University. U of A students have stressed Lviv’s rich cultural life, the city’s architectural gems, and the improvement in Ukrainian that their stays brought. 

Challenges to the long-term viability of the exchange are the higher costs and the relatively large amount of time needed to study abroad—at least one semester. Higher costs include air fare and room and board, which are particularly onerous for Ukrainian students.

Found in CIUS Newsletter 2010
Author: CIUS
Publisher: CIUS
Date: December 2009
Language: Ukrainian
Original Format: Digital audio recording





CIUS, “Interview with Exchange Students from Ukraine: Yuriy Kyrylych and Dmytro Hural,” CIUS-Archives, accessed March 13, 2025,
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