Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies


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On May 3, 2018 Serhy Yekelchyk (Professor of History and Slavic Studies University of Victoria) gave the 19th Danylo Husar Struk Memorial Lecture on the topic: "The Last Debate with Stalin: Ukrainian Writers in Moscow, 1929"

CIUS seminar audio.On November 18, 2010, Joung Ho Park (Institute of Russian Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea), gave a seminar presentation on the topic: “The Implications of Ukrainian Studies in Korea.”Found in CIUS…

A comprehensive bibliography of Ukrainian-language imprints published outside Ukraine. Originally published in Madrid in 1962, this work reprints the greater part of Buchynsky's rare and little-known work Bibliografía ucraniana 1945–1961.…

A unique, professional bibliography, characterized by a very narrow chronological and geographical focus. In addition the 515 publications listed are limited to printed books, pamphlets, and calendars, and for the most parts have been described de…
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